Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just the Tips Tuesday: Corn on the Cob

Growing up, there were certain things that I never really learned how to do or make. These things were so simple that my mother or my grandmother never even thought to teach me. When I finally learned to ask "how?" I gained a wealth of knowledge. Here's to mastering the basics.

Corn on the cob is one of Summer's greatest gifts. It's a food so delicious, that it's almost unbelievable that it can be guilt-free. It's versatile, inexpensive, and most excitingly of all, oh so simple to prepare. You can peruse countless food blogs reading about the most exceptional techniques for grilling corn, or the most luxurious toppings to put on it (I'll never understand the mayonnaise thing), but when it comes down to it, sweet and juicy corn on the cob is as easy as boiling water. I promise, you won't be able to mess it up.

Tall pot

Corn on the cob- husks and silks removed
Milk (skim, 1%, whole...whatever is on hand)

Fill the pot about 2/3 of the way with tap water.
Add a splash or two of milk- that's as technical as I'm gonna get. Don't ask me for a measurement, I have no idea.
Add the corn on the cob to the pot, and place on the stove over high heat with the cover on.
Let the water/milk mixture come to a boil.
Turn off the heat, and leave the covered pot on the stove until ready to serve.

This recipe makes a great time saver for a barbeque. It reminds me of those old infomercials for rotisseree chicken makers, "set it and forget it!". This is the ideal prep to do before you start throwing the hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. It will be ready for you to eat whenever you want it. Serve with salt and butter.

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